I am your Mindfulness Bell.
See this Brown face and remember all the brown faces
You pass by every day, unnoticing, uncaring, perhaps fearing…
This brown face is just that, a brown face, with more brown skin
Covering all the other body parts—just like yours…
Underneath is a beating heart—just like yours.
Underneath is a body that has the same functions as yours,
But can you handle the possibility that this body has been abused,
Looked down on, harassed, made fun of, poked, hit, denied entrance…
I am your Mindfulness Bell. Can you face waking up?
Can you face the difference that I show you? Can you keep your
Mind and Heart open while you learn to truly see me?
Can you allow yourself to take in all that I am without
Needing to fix or frown, or dismiss, or harm in micro ways?
Could you Mindfully approach me? Could you Mindfully let others like me Into your closed up heart? Could you let us touch you with our ages old pain?
Could you reach out your hand? Could you touch me/us without fear?
Could you Mindfully know and find love and kindness in you for me/us?
We are your Mindfulness Bell.
All text is the property of Soltahr Tiv-Amanda MA, LPC