What about Soltahr?

Elder Quality Life Experience

B.A. in Sociology: Western State College of Colorado at Gunnison, 1977

M.A. in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology: Naropa University, 1999


 Multicultural Counseling

LGBTQQIAA+ Counseling

Gestalt Therapy

Foundations in Somatic Abolitionism


Multicultural Counseling Skills at both M.A. Transpersonal Psychology online, and Transpersonal Counseling Psychology Departments at Naropa University

Ways of Knowing at the Norlin Scholars Program at University of Colorado at Boulder

Leading from Within at the Non-Profit management Program at Regis University at Denver

Workshop and Lecture Presenter

Consultant to various organizations for Social Justice Understanding, Anti-Racism work, and Connecting to Racial Identity

I have been a therapist in private practice for 25 years, as well as working as an ordained minister for the last 35 years.

I have taught and presented many workshops on various subjects around anti-racism, etc. 

Now, for the Decolonized Version:

Alongside my other training and “schooling”, it has been my joy, as a Priestess of the Divine Feminine and Mother Earth, as an Earth Based practitioner, to have facilitated solar, lunar, rite of passage, mothering, birthing, dying, and many other public and/or private ceremonies and rituals for the last 38 years. Through this work, I have been able to bring the mysteries of change and transformation to many.

During my time at Naropa University in Boulder, I was a “Mindfulness Instructor”. Mindfulness is a practice that has been a constant, loving companion on my journey since that time. It has helped me to be able to be in touch with my inner world when the outer world is difficult to manage. Along with Mindfulness, is another practice called Tonglen, which has as its foundation the ability to give and receive energies when we are feeling helpless to do anything to affect situations that are touching us and our lives. These practices come from Tibetan Buddhism and were a part of the curriculum of my Masters Program while a student.

I have studied Shamanic healing techniques with a teacher of Hopi lineage, the late Moonhawk, and his partner the late Lynn Johnson, with whom I became a Reiki Master in 1994.  I am skilled in Shamanic healing practices, having also studied with the late Jungian analyst Terry Keepers, and with Shamanic practitioner Renna Shesso. See my section on Shamanic Work for more in depth information. This work continues to allow me to guide others to the doors of healing that open to the spiritual realms that aren’t always easy to find without experienced guidance.

I  reside on the Ancestral Lands of the Tiwa people in Albuquerque New Mexico, surrounded by tribes who still hold ceremony, dance and continue to live on their lands and are vital in this part of the country. I currently live alone, by choice, as I work to further uncover who I am coming to be as an Elder, Teacher and Spiritual Guide to many who come to me for healing. I am actively doing the work of decolonizing my body, mind, spirit and all the ways I go about in the world. As part of that work, I am also working to further deepen within myself the knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual practices of my African ancestry. I am a Mother to twin daughters, and Grandmother to a bright and beautiful young being known as Luna.

I continue my studies in Somatic Abolitionism that started when I read the book: “My Grandmother’s Hands” by Resmaa Menakem, that has shown me the damage that racism, White Supremacy, and Imperialism have done to me and those who look like me, and other Bodies of culture. I am engaged in this work as an ongoing practice, it is not ancillary, but is central to who I am becoming in my life, and how I work with others. Resmaa offers Somantic “toys” that are helpful in navigating the world when we are dealing with matters of White Body Supremacy, Colonization and Imperialism when we experience it individually or collectively.

I have traversed streams, rivers, and sailed oceans of deep awareness as part of creating wisdom in one’s elder years. The internal convergence of experiencing life as Mother, Grandmother, Priestess of the Divine Feminine, Shaman, Witch, Healer, Meditator, Spiritual Teacher, Therapist, Abolitionist, Truth Seeker/Teller, Activist, Animistic Observer/Preserver of Nature, Minister, Rebel, Nomad, Transgressor, New Saint, and Dangerous Old Woman, are not egoic titles but lenses of insight. These lenses, and many others have shown me what healing can look like when one is getting free and liberated, and not just for self, but in divine service to one’s ancestors, family, and community. I’m excited to share my oceans of wisdom with you. I have no fear of your stories, or depths you wish to go to in order to uncover your own pain, gifts and joy–I’m there/here with you.

Soltahr Tiv-Amanda


Shamanism is known to have been and is still present in Indigenous cultures all over the world. The Shamans were considered the “Medicine People” of groups and tribes. Their job has been to be able to “journey” to the spiritual realms to bring back messages, answers, healing, and other information for individuals or the tribe itself.  the Shamans, and the tribal members carried a deep understanding that the spirit world is as natural as the world we live in day to day. This world is vast, and the many various locations therein have inhabitants of many kinds: animals, mythical creatures, Ascended Masters (not as in owner, but as in spirits that have lived many lifetimes in service and now no longer need/choose to return to human existence), Ancestors, Spirit guides, Teachers, Fairies, Angels, Elves–the list is endless. 

Shamanism is a practice of using a drum, rattles, bells, or other instrument to bring sound as a way of allowing one to  be able to travel or journey to various realms to find out the source of an ailment and to bring back a cure, to speak to the Ancestors for guidance and/or protection, to connect to plants to understand their uses…truly, there are endless

You must first set an hour consultation session with me, for which I ask that you pay what you can, and bring whatever questions you may have. We will meet via Zoom, as I need to be able to see you and connect with your level of sincerity. During this session, if I decide to work with you, we will work out the details of our time together going forward, to include supplies you will need, scheduling, and what you will be able to pay. Again, your level of sincerity is key here. It’s not about what you can pay monetarily, but what you bring to this work, and the sincere calling you have felt to embark on this path.

Spiritual Teaching, Healings and Other Spiritual Work

Experiences that do not seemingly have logical or scientific explanations are not necessarily pathological, but may simply be “normal” human spiritual experiences. These experiences have been known by ancient and indigenous cultures to be integral and necessary to understanding and making meaning of our human lives and existence as we know it. Our Ancestors knew this, we are reclaiming this wisdom–it is ours.–Soltahr


“I was outside of my body looking down at myself sleeping”. Or: “I felt this energy rise up in me from my groin up through my body and bursting outside of my head”. Or: “When I am daydreaming sometimes, I hear the voice of my departed Grandmother”. Or: “I can feel the presence of spirits around me when I’m in certain places”. These experiences are not pathology or craziness, they are a normal part of human experience that we can be curious about as they relate to our growth as spiritual beings.  

The colonized belief systems, including Psychology, have deemed it necessary to pathologize spiritual experiences and spiritual healing practices because many of them come from Indigenous cultures, and these cultures were deemed “primitive” at the advent of Colonialism. The demonizing of many of the ancient cultures whose beliefs and practices stretched back hundreds, perhaps thousands of years was a way in which the colonized system was able to have power over them and to instill their ways of dealing with us as humans that have not always been kind, helpful, or healthful. 

These ways have been about seeing illness and pathology as a thing to be eradicated via a pill, surgery, or some other method, that leaves one feeling as though they will soon be cured, when these methods are only treating the symptoms, and not exploring the roots of the problem. The symptoms may indeed go away, but the roots of the problem remain. Indigenous and cultures where “folk healing practices” have existed for thousands of years understand that we as humans are complex, and that the things that happen to us during the course of our lives can create problems for us on many different levels. To explore and look for the roots of a malady is to find the ways to bring forth true healing that can allow someone to find freedom, and to regain their inherent human dignity.

Spiritual experiences are explainable and are often a part of ways in which our bodies and beings are attempting to make sense of our life experiences. Traditional healing methods are often part of larger diasporic understanding of human life–trauma, pain, suffering, life passages, and the parts of us that were handed down from our ancestors and those who raised us are the various levels on which healing can be initiated by various methods: cleansings, ritual/ceremony, massage, energetic body work, soul conversations, etc. etc.

We live in a time of great spiritual awakening, and many people all over the world are having experiences such as I mentioned above, and are having a hard time sorting them out, without someone who knows or at the very least someone who can listen without judgement in order to help them to figure out what might be happening. What one needs is someone who can help them to sort out the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual components of any sort of ill being in the body, mind, emotions and/or spirit.

I have been a Spiritual teacher for nearly 40 years, having taught first as an Earth-Based Pagan Priestess, Ritual facilitator, and devotee of the Divine Feminine in all forms. I have been a Reiki Master for 30 years, which has opened a powerful door to healing myself, as well as a beautiful ally in my therapeutic work. I started on my Shamanic path in this lifetime in 1998, and have been performing Shamanic healings, as well as teaching others to utilize this powerful modality for ancestral healing work, as well as to explore all the various realms of spirit for information, and other forms of healing of the mind, body, emotions and spirit.

Most recently, I completed an intensive course in Curanderismo at the University of New Mexico. I was enlivened to learn that Curanderismo has some of its roots in Africa. This excited me, as a Black bodied woman here in in America, as it has been the journey of a lifetime to piece together a spiritual path that feels authentic to me in my quest to continue growing myself, as well as, and more importantly to bring this work to BIPOC. Accessing this work has previously been colonized and not financially available in a form that most BIPOC can work with, coming mostly from White bodied teachers who are not able to hold the necessary understanding of our unique experiences.

 I have grown exponentially in so many different directions, because I was lucky enough to have teachers along the way to offer guidance and understanding and to help me to “normalize” my experiences within the context of my life at the time. I am here to offer this same kind of  guidance about spiritual issues, growth, and healing or to help you to be informed about who you are, and your life purpose. 

Having studied and obtained a Master’s degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, I have worked for 25 years, helping people to understand the depth of their psychological discomfort, that, as I have spoken of is likely to have many various roots that are in our DNA from our ancestors, from our parents, and from situations we have gone through in this lifetime. We are  Mind, Body, Emotions, and Spirit. We are not simple, we have many experiences that might not be easy to understand. At times in our lives, after great upheaval, or a trauma, or getting out of a bad situation, we find ourselves having what can be seen as a difficult place as a being. These experiences are often called “Spiritual Emergence” or even “Spiritual Emergency”, depending on the severity. It simply means that something within our spirit life is trying to speak to us, trying to be seen, heard, and tended to. With some guidance, we can easily find our way.

We aren’t crazy, we’re not losing it, though it can feel that way when we are going through it. What we most need is some loving guidance from someone who can understand and be non-judgmentally receptive, compassionate, helpful, gentle and loving with whatever we might be going through.

I have a wealth of spiritual wisdom to share with you. You can come to me for a single session or series of sessions, depending on what we figure out might be best for you.  Please set a 30 minute free consultation appointment  to discuss your needs on my calendar link below.  I work on a sliding fee scale from $50+ per one hour session. I do not take insurance, so, for this reason am able to keep my fees low so that those in need may access the powerful work I am able to offer.  My Calendar link for free 30 minute consultation: https://calendly.com/soltahr-tivamanda62/consultation




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